Category: technology

  • How to update node on Mac

    How to update node on Mac

    Just follow the simple two commands and you will be able to update node to it’s latest version.

    Step-1: Install N by following command

    npm install -g n

    Step-2: After successful installation of N, run following command.

    sudo n latest

    Wait for the successful process and you are done!!!

  • Fix 413 Request Entity Too Large in MaMP in 2 Minutes

    Fix 413 Request Entity Too Large in MaMP in 2 Minutes

    Video for who doesn’t like to read ;). And if you like the video then subscribe my channel and share this with others who has the same issue.

    When I was working on the local development, I had an issue as shown in this post image.

    When I tried to import a database from PHPMyAdmin, I was having the error “413 Request Entity Too Large“.

    After searching a bit on the internet, I found a very simple solution. It would take only a couple of minutes.

    So as this is nginx related error, open your Nginx config file. In my case, I was using MaMP. So my nginx.conf file was at this location:


    Open the file and add the following lines into http { } section as shown in below image:

    client_max_body_size     1000M;
    fastcgi_read_timeout     3600;


    After adding that line, try to restart Nginx.

    In my case, I had a button to restart the server in MaMP. You might run the command like service nginx restart

  • How to have ActiveCampaign Sandbox account

    How to have ActiveCampaign Sandbox account

    ActiveCampaign provides 14 days trial period account. But when it comes to development, the developer needs to have a sandbox account which should be free and never expire.

    So for that AC provides a sandbox account for developers.

    How you can get Sandbox account?

    You can read more and request a sandbox account here:


  • Fix – svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by Xcode.

    Recently I got the following error on my Mac Terminal when I tried svn command.

    svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by Xcode.


    To fix this, run following commands:

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
    xcode-select --install


    Wait for the software to be installed. And you are done.



  • Download folder/files from server using ssh terminal

    You will need SCP installed on your system.

    Run the following command from your terminal

    scp -r username@host:/path/to/folder /Destination/path/of/local/machine/

    If you access the server via pem key, then command will be

    scp -r -i /path/to/pemkey.pem username@host:/path/to/folder /Destination/path/of/local/machine/

    That’s it.