Category: wordpress plugin

  • BuddyPress Re-post Activity WordPress Plugin

    BuddyPress Re-post Activity WordPress Plugin

    Sometimes you like someone’s post in activity thread and you want to re-post that activity publically or on your group.

    So now you can re-post an activity from BuddyPress activity page with the help of this plugin.

    What this plugin does? It will provide a button for reposting activity. We can also enable/disable this functionality from backend.


    1. Re-post any activity by clicking on the “Re-Post” button.

    2. Select where to re-post.

    3. Enable/Disable re-post functionality.


    WP Plugin URL:

    GitHub URL:

  • Delete orphan data from post meta in WordPress

    What is orphan data?

    Sometimes there are entries in postmeta table for those ids which is not exist in main post tables during testing new functionality or developing any plugins.


    Why you should remove orphan data?

    It’s not necessary if you have limited data. But if you have a huge data in your database, then you will need to remove those unnecessary data.


    Use below code snippet for removing orphan data from postmeta table: TAKE A BACKUP BEFORE RUNNING THE SCRIPT.

    DELETE pm FROM wp_postmeta pm
    LEFT JOIN wp_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id




  • BuddyPress Profile Field Duplicator WordPress Plugin

    BuddyPress Profile Field Duplicator WordPress Plugin

    Sometimes people needs to add the same profile field many times. Specially when it comes to add muti-select, radio, checkbox etc., then it will be time consuming and might be irritating.

    So now you don’t need to add the same field again and again. It’s just a matter of one click now.

    See the screenshot below

    You can get this simple plugin from here.

  • WordPress Copy Content Plugin

    WordPress Copy Content Plugin

    Sometimes people needs some part of content from existing posts or pages. Or some needs to add extra content from existing.

    So now you dont need to find that post/page and copy that content and paste. Just install this plugin, search the post/page by it’s title and fetch the content.


    • Search post/page by it’s title
    • Select from the search result
    • And fetch the content of selected post/pages


    You can get the plugin free from here.

  • Comment Mention WordPress Plugin

    Comment Mention WordPress Plugin

    Now you can enable user mention functionality in post comments without using BuddyPress plugin.

    This plugin is useful for those who wanted to enable mention on their blog site.

    What this plugin does? Just type username followed by ‘@’ in comment box. It will send the email to mentioned user.

    Email setting is provided in backend. You can change email subject and content by your own.

    You can get this simple plugin from here.