Category: wordpress plugin

  • ActiveCampaign Newsletter Subscription Pro

    ActiveCampaign Newsletter Subscription Pro

    This is a pro plugin of ActiveCampaign Newsletter Subscription WordPress plugin.

    Here is the free plugin:

    This pro plugin has compatibility with the following plugins:

    • BuddyPress
    • WooCommerce

    Newsletter subscription is applicable only to the registration form.

    This plugin needs at least ActiveCampaign Newsletter Subscription v1.0.1

    Contact me for 50% off on Twitter.

  • Comment Mention Pro

    Comment Mention Pro

    This is a pro plugin of Comment Mention WordPress plugin.


    Here is the free plugin:

    How Pro plugin works?

    Followings are added as a pro feature.

    • Search by First/Last name while mention.
    • Enable mentioning on Page comment.
    • Go to wp-admin –> Comment Mention
    • And you will see options to enable pro features

    If you have any issue with Pro plugin, discuss it here

  • Comment Mention with BBPress

    Comment Mention with BBPress

    Recently I’ve updated my plugin “Comment Mention“. In the latest version ( 1.2.0 ), I’ve added bbpress compatibility for the mention.

    Mentioning was already provided by bbpress, but auto-suggestion was not there. So my plugin fulfils that and also it sends an email notification to the mentioned user.

    After installing this plugin, when you create a new topic or add a reply to a topic, and you mention a user using “@”, then that user will get an email notification about that.

    That email is configurable from the backend. Watch below video for how it works.


  • Asking authentication when we try to access homepage on WP Engine

    Recently, I migrated a site from the flywheel to WP Engine using Migrate Guru plugin.

    After migration, I was asked to add browser authentication when I try to access the homepage. It was not asking the authentication when I try to access wp-admin.

    Below is the screenshot what I was getting.

    So I connected WP Engine’s support guy. And in my case there was a third party plugin was creating the issue. After deactivating that plugin, issue was fixed.

  • How to setup Stripe test account on MemberPress

    MemberPress forces to have a valid account to connect with stripe which is great for the LIVE site.

    But when it comes to testing payment using a test account, then also MemberPress forces to have a valid account.

    But there is a workaround to setup test account without an account which has not all the data filled in the Sandbox account.

    When you open your MemberPress -> Settings -> Payments tab, the URL will end up like:


    Then change it manually to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=memberpress-options&display-keys and click back to the Payments tab.

    You’ll see the fields where you’ll be able to add the keys manually. Copy/paste them from your Stripe and then go to Stripe DashBoard -> Developers -> Webhooks and click “Add Endpoint” button:

    Then paste the Webhook URL from MemberPress and add these events:

    Save everything and you should have the manual test connection completed.

    If you use any caching plugin, don’t forget to set it as explained in How to Set Up Popular Caching Plugins with MemberPress? and you should be good to go. 🙂


    That’s it