Category: technology

  • Fix OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 30100010, you have 30200000Fix

    My Fix:

    My OS is MacOS.

    My Fix:

    My OS is MacOS.

    1. Run command which ssh
        Got output /usr/local/bin/ssh
    2.But my actual ssh is from /usr/bin/ssh ( How I know? I tried locate ssh and ran all ssh found one by one )
    3. So we don't need /usr/local/bin/ssh on my system, but as I was not sure, I DIDN'T DELETE it.
    4. I just renamed it sudo mv /usr/local/bin/ssh /usr/local/bin/ssh-apple
  • Generate a QR code for your website page in PHP

    Generating QR code for you on any page of your website is very easy with PHP.

    When you scan the code, it will open a link in the browser.

    Below is the code snippet

    Sample of QR Code

    Scan this via camera app
  • How to fix – Fingerprint has already been taken

    How to fix – Fingerprint has already been taken

    Sometimes we have “Fingerprint has already been taken” while adding our ssh key.

    To fix that issue, we need to generate a new ssh key. But the problem is your existing ssh key is added to other resources so if you generate a new one, you have to replace it everywhere.

    Instead of doing this, generate a new ssh key in a new file and add it wherever it is needed.

    Run the following commands on the terminal to generate the SSH key:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

    Then it will ask where to generate:

    Generating public/private rsa key pair. 
    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/<NAME>/.ssh/id_rsa):

    Give the following name for the file


    And the last step is to add it to the file by the following command:

    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa2

  • How to create regex?

    You can easily create and test regex from the below site.

  • How to downgrade node version on Mac

    Just follow the simple two commands and you will be able to downgrade node to it’s particular version.

    Step-1: Install N by following command

    npm install -g n

    Step-2: After successful installation of N, run following command.

    sudo n 14.15.0

    Wait for the successful process and check version.

    node -v

    And you are done!!!