Author: Bunty ( Site Admin )

  • How to update node on Mac

    How to update node on Mac

    Just follow the simple two commands and you will be able to update node to it’s latest version.

    Step-1: Install N by following command

    npm install -g n

    Step-2: After successful installation of N, run following command.

    sudo n latest

    Wait for the successful process and you are done!!!

  • How to add a protocol to URLs from WordPress post content

    How to add a protocol to URLs from WordPress post content

    Sometimes you have URLs without http:// OR https:// into WordPress post content.

    So you can use the following function for that. You can use this function for the_content filter for WP. And also you can use this anywhere in PHP code other than WP.
  • Import large DB in MySQL using command in MAMP

    Sometimes using phpmyadmin, it’s kind of impossible to import DB from the import section. So below is the command to import large DB into MySQL.

    Step-1 Login to MySQL using following command

    /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql --host=localhost -uroot -proot

    Step-2 Select DB in which you want to import DB

    use DB_NAME;

    Step-3 Import DB

    SET autocommit=0 ; source PATH_TO_YOUR_SQL_FILE.sql ; COMMIT ;

    That’s it.

    Don’t forget to change path!!!

  • How to Import – Export WordPress Database using WP-CLI | WP-CLI | WordPress

    How to Import – Export WordPress Database using WP-CLI | WP-CLI | WordPress

    I’ve made a video for this tutorial. Because that’s the easiest way to show how we can use WP-CLI to import/export database.

    And if you like the video then subscribe my channel and share this with others who want to learn WordPress.

  • How to create a Custom Taxonomy  | WordPress | Beginners Tutorial

    How to create a Custom Taxonomy | WordPress | Beginners Tutorial

    I’ve made a video for this tutorial. Because that’s the easiest way to show how WordPress widgets work. And this is especially for beginners. So please watch the video carefully and I am sure you will definitely clear about WordPress Taxonomies.

    And if you like the video then subscribe my channel and share this with others who want to learn WordPress.