Author: Bunty ( Site Admin )

  • Help me out using LinkedIn API

    Help me out using LinkedIn API

    I’m trying to get user headline with LinkedIn API, but I am not getting in response.
    Here is the problem I’ve reported on StackOverflow:
    So if anyone knows about this, please let me know.
  • Git is not working after macOS Update

    Git is not working after macOS Update

    Yesterday I updated my macOS to latest Catalina version. After updating it GIT was not working. That always happens to me :-).

    I was getting following error.

    xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun


    Many of you might also get this error. So the solution is pretty simple. Just follow a couple of steps and solve the problem.

    Step 1: Open Terminal and run following command

    xcode-select --install

    Step 2: After this command, there will be a prompt to update the software. So update that.

    And wait for the software to be updated.

    That’s it.



  • BuddyPress Re-post Activity WordPress Plugin

    BuddyPress Re-post Activity WordPress Plugin

    Sometimes you like someone’s post in activity thread and you want to re-post that activity publically or on your group.

    So now you can re-post an activity from BuddyPress activity page with the help of this plugin.

    What this plugin does? It will provide a button for reposting activity. We can also enable/disable this functionality from backend.


    1. Re-post any activity by clicking on the “Re-Post” button.

    2. Select where to re-post.

    3. Enable/Disable re-post functionality.


    WP Plugin URL:

    GitHub URL:

  • Need Help… How to use trigger event in backbone?

    So I have a script where I am trying to trigger click event by jQuery.

    Here is the syntax $( '#selector' ).trigger( 'click' ).

    But that will work if the click event function is written in jQuery.

    What if click event is written in backbone? How can I trigger click for that?

    If anyone has idea, then please reply for this.